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- EPO100®
- EPO100T® Tinted Epoxy
- EPO100G® Glaze Epoxy
- SALE – EPO100C® Clear Epoxy
- EPO100CC® ChemiCoatEPO100CC ChemiCoat® is a high-performance resin-rich epoxy, designed, formulated and manufactured by All Purpose Coatings. ChemiCoat® is a solvent-free, 100% solids, two-pack epoxy resin. Designed to be self-priming and used as a stand-alone coating or as a binder for slip-resistant surfaces. ChemiCoat® has an extremely high impact and chemical resistance to a wide variety of chemical spillage and fumes, making this product ideal for use within the civil and industrial sectors.
- EPO100TP Tinted Pool Epoxy
- EPO100MT Moisture & Metal
- EPO100HCR Chemical Resistant
- EPO100L Line Marking Tinted Epoxy
- EPO-HI Heavy Industries
- Specialty Hardeners
- Ultra Flake®
- Hyper Flake®
- Mica Flake
- Ultra Flake® Highlights
- Glitter
- Quartz Shield®Quartz Shield is an exciting and versatile coating system designed by All Purpose Coatings which will add to an already versatile range. It provides a diverse range of benefits and a vast number of desirable characteristics, which are reflected in the number of places Quartz Shield can be utilised. Quartz Shield is available in two different systems, Quartz Shield 25 and Quartz Shield 40. These systems present customers with the option of varying levels of grit, and consequentially different levels of slip-resistance. What makes this exciting new system unique, is the use of quartz as the slip-resistant additive as opposed to traditional slip-resistant coatings which use silica sand. Quartz Shield has an incredible level of durability, and its sheer hardness ensures the longevity of the coating from both a practical and visual standpoint. Quartz Shield uses APC’s EPO100 Epoxy as the foundation of the Quartz Shield System, which is Australian manufactured and harbours 20 years of proven experience and excellence. Quartz Shield 25 is specifically designed and optimised for use in commercial/industrial environments where slip-resistance, hygiene and ease of maintenance is of the utmost importance. These environments include however not limited to commercial kitchens, butchers & food manufacturing facilities. Quartz…
- ThinnersDesigned to be used with EPO100® Epoxy range. APC Thinners have been formulated with a blend of hydrocarbons to produce an excellent thinning and dispersion product. Used commonly to dilute epoxy for penetration and ease of application during the coating process. Not every porject is the same so having the ability to control your solvent content is important. APC Thinners can also assist in the clean-up process.
- Other Additives
- Slip Resistance & GritsAPC has a variety of slip resistance mediums for use with both decorative and industrial systems to provide a low slip risk, while meeting and exceeding the Australian Building Code and Australian Standards mandate, taking slip resistance from level P1 to P5.
- Epoxy TintsEpoxy Tints are designed and manufactured by All Purpose Coatings for solids or solvent-based epoxy systems, such as EPO100G® Glaze, 100% Solids Epoxy. APC Epoxy Tints are formulated to blend consistently and thoroughly with the EPO100® range of epoxy. Epoxy Tints are also used widely within the artistic sector where full control of the product and outcome is desired.
- Metallic TintsMetallic Tints are designed and manufactured by All Purpose Coatings for solvent or solids-based epoxy systems such as the EPO100G® Glaze or EPO100C® Clear range. The finished look is a designer look that has a high gloss factor and a glass like finish with subtle reflective sparkle.
- PigmentsAPC pigments provide an added touch of colour and even sparkle to floor coatings. Pigments have been tested and are compatible with solvent, solids, and water-based products. It doesn’t matter if your project is a high-end epoxy/urethane floor, a seamlessly glossy epoxy benchtop, or a unique and stunning epoxy art piece, there’s a pigment to take it to the next level.
- Sparta TintsSparta Tints are designed, formulated and manufactured by All Purpose Coatings to blend consistently and thoroughly with All Purpose Coatings Sparta60. IMPORTANT- Shake the can well prior to use. Looking for more colour options and high chemical-resistant system with the best bond to concrete? We recommend EPO100T® Tinted Epoxy; available in 205+ AS colours, as your primer and base providing the strongest bond to concrete. Finish with Sparta60 as the UV-resistant, high-chemical top coat. See the UV EPO100T® Plain Coat System and Installation Instructions for more information. WARNING: Sparta Tint colours are not comparable to Epoxy Tint colours.
- Cleaning & Care
- Complete Coating Systems
- EPO100T® Plain Coat SystemThe EPO100 range is the ultimate in hard-wearing, long lasting epoxy flooring solutions. The solvent-free and resin-rich Bisphenol A & F formula that forms the base of the range delivers a high gloss finish with unmatched toughness.
- EPO100T® UV Plain Coat SystemThe EPO100 range is the ultimate in hard-wearing, long lasting epoxy flooring solutions. The solvent-free and resin-rich Bisphenol A & F formula that forms the base of the range delivers a high gloss finish with unmatched toughness.
- Hyper Flake® Signature Series SystemHyper Flake is a decorative flooring system that captures the beauty and warmth of a natural stone finish. An alternative to the traditional polished floor, offering a consistent polished concrete look and a finish that has been formulated with durability at the forefront of requirements. Hyper Flake Systems completed in the Crystal Finish have a glossy, glass-like seamless finish offering a modern, long-lasting, hygienic, and grout-free floor. APC Diamond Finish will take your floor to another level of sophistication with additional depth and gloss.
- Nano Ultra Flake® SystemThe Ultra Flake system is a modern, decorative, grout-free flooring and wall system that is easy to maintain. A desirable alternative to tiles and carpet offering a wide range of colours, flake sizes and system finishes. Suitable for Residential and Commercial applications, Ultra Flake has become a popular long-term flooring and wall solution that allows a seamless transition from the outside patio, paths, and driveway to the garage. Then a seamless transition to the interior of the home.
- Ultra Flake® SystemThe Ultra Flake system is a modern, decorative, grout-free flooring and wall system that is easy to maintain. A desirable alternative to tiles and carpet offering a wide range of colours, flake sizes and system finishes. Suitable for Residential and Commercial applications, Ultra Flake has become a popular long-term flooring and wall solution that allows a seamless transition from the outside patio, paths, and driveway to the garage. Then a seamless transition to the interior of the home.
- Quartz Shield® SystemQuartz Shield is an exciting and versatile coating system designed by All Purpose Coatings which will add to an already versatile range. It provides a diverse range of benefits and a vast number of desirable characteristics, which are reflected in the number of places Quartz Shield can be utilised. Quartz Shield is available in two different systems, Quartz Shield 25 and Quartz Shield 40. These systems present customers with the option of varying levels of grit and consequentially different levels of slip resistance. What makes this exciting new system unique, is the use of quartz as the slip-resistant additive as opposed to traditional slip-resistant coatings which use silica sand. Quartz Shield has an incredible level of durability, and its sheer hardness ensures the longevity of the coating from both a practical and visual standpoint. Quartz Shield uses APC’s EPO100® Epoxy as the foundation of the Quartz Shield System, which is Australian manufactured and harbours 20 years of proven experience and excellence. Quartz Shield 25 is specifically designed and optimised for use in commercial or industrial environments where slip resistance, hygiene and ease of maintenance are of the utmost importance. These environments include however not limited to commercial kitchens, butchers & food manufacturing facilities. Quartz Shield 40 is perfectly suited for residential applications where a slip-resistant coating is required, however, a decorative and attractive finish is also desired. Quartz Shield 40 is…
- Metallic Marble® SystemThe Metallic Marble System is decorative, hardwearing, low maintenance and specially formulated with EPO100G® Glaze Epoxy and a pearlescent Metallic. Applied with a roller, brush or squeegee. This system can also be used for benchtops, wall features and artwork. Add a bit of Resi Glitter to really set off your showpiece. The Metallic Marble System requires a primer coat of EPO100T® Tinted Epoxy, an EPO100G® Glaze and 350M Metallic Tint coat, finished with a UV resistant top Sparta60® top coat. The finished product is a high-end designer floor, with a smooth glass-like finish that has a unique and subtle reflective sparkle. No two floors will ever look the same with endless creative techniques, that can be used to create a style that you can call your own. This System can also be used in the artistic sector creating a one-off unique system for both the floor and the walls.
- Swirl Coat SystemThe Swirl Coat System requires a primer and base coat of EPO100T® Tinted Epoxy, EPO100G® Glaze coat with 350E Epoxy Tint added and a final coat of Urethane. The finished product is a unique, high-end designer floor with depth and a smooth glass-like finish. The Swirl Coat System is decorative, hardwearing and low maintenance and specially formulated with EPO100G® Glaze Epoxy and 350E Epoxy Tint, applied with a roller, squeegee or battery blower. This system can also be used for benchtops and artwork. No two floors will ever look the same with endless creative techniques that can be used to create a style that you can call your own. With a modern colour range and the ability to supply special order colours, the choices are endless. This system can also be used in the artistic sector creating one-off unique artworks, a unique system for both the floor and the walls.
- EPO100®
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